Paul Pottinger’s Adventures from the Top of the World

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This is it!

Everest 2016  •  May 20

From Julie:

At 3:12am PDT, Paul texted:

“Hi dear. I leave here 9PM, hope to summit in under 12 hrs, if weather and traffic good.”

9pm NPT=8:15am PDT.

Follow his progress via satellite tracker.

48 thoughts on “This is it!

  1. Soooo exciting!!!! Thinking of you, look forward to the photos and stories of a safe and successful summit!!!!

  2. This is just beyond exciting for everyone.
    This Dan, Paul’s goggle-sponsor … Paul has given us an opportunity of a lifetime to present our products. This opportunity, as a company, is beyond words to us, beyond exciting.
    Love ya man 🙂
    Dan the goggle man.

  3. Best of luck to you, Paul! We’ll be following your progress from Colorado! Julie, just keep hitting the refresh button on IMG’s website. It is so exciting when you see his name pop up on the screen (so much that in 2013, our daughter, who got it on her screen first, jumped up from her chair and jumped right into the bowl of popcorn sitting on the floor—popcorn, high-fives, hugs, and tears were everywhere!) We are thinking of you both AND all of your support system! Count us in that number.

  4. this is fantastic. P2 having the chance to leave for summit means that he is not relying on luck very much anymore, just hard work. and we know Paul will put the work in.
    as a point of reference, it took me 14 hours to get to the summit in high traffic.
    we are super excited for all Pottingers here in NYC.

  5. Thanks so much Julie for keeping us up to date on Dr. P2’s adventure for the past few days. It’s exciting to finally see the end product of all his hard work. The pictures are amazing. Thanks Dr. P2 for this gift. You are awesome. I admire you for who you are. I continue to pray for you and can’t wait to celebrate your return when I return. WE ARE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY.

  6. p2,
    can’t wait to hear what it’s like from the top of the world! happy trails…
    be safe!

    1. Thanks g2, this did work out fine for our team… more soon! And, truly, thanks so much for covering clinic so much while I was away!

  7. This is so awesome!! I’m tracking on the DeLorme site. We’re all so happy here, that they’ve got a good weather window, good timing in terms of “traffic”. This is just SO WAY AWESOME! GO, PAUL, GO!! 🙂

  8. Best of luck Paul – hope you summit and return safely and the weather is kind to you. I have been following your blog with great interest from the UK.

  9. Again on pins and needles! I am tracking your progress and cheering each step forward! You truly are a hero!

  10. We are so excited! Will be rushing home from Tot Shabbat tonight to check on your status!!
    Love, Abi, Jack, Ethan, Miranda, & Henry

  11. I’m so glad Julie posted this link so we could all watch your magnificent accent in real time! Best of luck, Paul! That blue dot has us riveted! Kiss the sky for all of us!

  12. Past the Balcony!!! I agree with Kyle J’s comment- I may need supplemental O2…. can’t take my eyes off the blue dot! …. and the magnificent photos of the climbers on the Balcony posted by IMG….! Go, Paul, go! And yes!- kiss the sky for us! We are with you every step of the way!

  13. Everyone at Sidwell is cheering for you! We are so excited for you. Many of us are watching your ascent closely.

  14. Julie,
    this is a random old lady from update NY as I am identifying … Posted once … I do understand why someone would climb this mountain … I am so inclined if I could … The magic … the adventure .. But even in my best days will is not enough alone as god given lungs are required besides the other requisites and a weather window … That is not to say any is lesser as you need all going for you … This is an extraordinary feat and I want you to know this husband of yours that many may not know as I do not … Well we are pulling for him and taking up the cheering and praying section with all of you his family for this goal … for all of Pottingers as he is sharing this extraodinary adventure with us and in technicolor and so I am with you in maybe a different way godspeeding him through … Please know there are extra cheering section for you and husband. Thank you for sharing. Xo Ann from NY

  15. Just lying in bed reading IMG watching the blue dot go upwards ….the last dot seemed to pick up speed perhaps less steep. Tracking the weather maps…..this has become quite the spectator sport and I thank you for taking us on your journey!! Okay back to the blue dot…..

  16. You’ve caught the massive interest of an old geography teacher! I’ve been watching all day! I can’t wait to share all of this with my students. All of my colleagues and I have been watching! Go Paul!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure when you return!

  17. Somebody message him, quick, and tell him to give hi GoPro to someone else, so we get to see him on camera! Instead of just his feet. 😉

    1. typo . . . shoulda been “give his GoPro” . . . too excited to type nicely . . . sorry about that.

  18. Let me just say, that was SO exciting ! If you can’t be there that was the next best thing. Okay you are half way there safe journey down. Weather looks stable !!

  19. Woohoo!!! I’m so excited for all of you! My prayers are continuing for safety and alert minds for you and the group as you continue the rest of the climb. When you get rested give Kim and Steven a big hug from me. I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted just following the blue dot!

  20. Congratulations!! You did it!! We’ve been reading your awesome blog and watching you climb since the end of March (we’re smart like that, heh). Thank you for the fantastic adventure you’ve taken us on! But it’s not a trip for me–I didn’t see a poop house (litter box) in any of your amazing pictures and my brother from another mother (he’s a dog) wouldn’t last long because he has stubby legs. We’re sending you a big MEOW and WOOF from New Mexico for letting us share in your exciting and sometimes scary, but totally awe-inspiring journey. Our paws salute you and congrats again!
    Duke, Zeke, and our human family

    1. I (and the dogs and cats here) second that emotion. With woofs and meows and slobber and muddy footprints galore.

  21. Whoohoo congrats Dr. Pottinger!! Some of the MS1s have been following your blog and want to congratulate you on your summit.

    1. That is so great to hear, thanks much! I am surprised you have enough time to read a blog at all… well done to you and your amazing classmates.

  22. Tracking on DeLorme shows Paul’s making solid steady progress back down to Camp 4. Plenty of hours of daylight left, so no rush. That said, anyone who’s been on their feet for 16+ hours is probably in a big rush to get to the nearest place they can flop down and put their feet up, get the killer boots off, massage the ankles, and a have a nice hot cuppa. I’m thinking it’s wise to take one’s time on the descent, in this good weather. Step by careful step. No stress, since it’s not a race.

  23. Paul, you rock on ice! Cheers to you and your team! So glad that you made the summit and fulfilled your dream.

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